The influence a trade association can bring to bear is reflected by the support of the industry it represents. The World Association of Manufacturers of Bottles and Teats is seeking to expand its worldwide membership base and welcomes new members interested in actively supporting the industry’s interests and with a special focus on safety.
In order to join the association, each applicant must demonstrate its commitment to the ethical values of the organization by:
- Manufacturing bottles and teats in accordance with all relevant national and international standards of the countries in which they operate
- Using construction materials and product components that are suitable and appropriate for their intended purpose
- Providing appropriate instructions and warnings for product care and use
- Supporting the aim of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and its implementation.
The principle offices of all bottles and teats companies which are responsible for policy, and for producing and/or marketing, are eligible to become full members of the Association.
Companies’ not marketing or manufacturing bottles and teats may apply for associate membership subject to a fee covering the preparation and distribution of documents. These members have no voting rights and are approved by the Executive Committee.
Become a Member
With our worldwide membership base we welcome new members interested in actively supporting the industry’s interests.