Since its founding by several leading manufacturers in 1991, the World Association of Manufacturers of Bottles and Teats has provided a platform for its members to come together and exchange information about the issues that affect the industry.
Our mission
- Represent the interests of the industry to media, national and international institutions
- Promote ethical manufacturing and marketing of infant bottles and teats adhering to relevant national and international standards
- Work in close conjunction with national and international institutions such as CEN, CPSC, EFSA, European Commission, FDA, ISO, WHO etc to assure and promote the health and safety of infants worldwide
- Further the education and safe use of bottles and teats
- Sponsor scientific research into product-related issues
- Collect and disseminate relevant information and documentation to members
- Provide a forum for members to discuss issues of specific interest.

What we do
The World Association of Manufacturers of Bottles and Teats additionally collaborates on an ongoing basis with several other industry associations.
We maintain relations and exchange important information with Plastics Europe, which represents the plastics manufacturers within the European Union, and also work closely with The European Nursery Products Confederation (ENPC) which is a trade association for childcare product manufacturers in Europe.
These relationships are valuable in fostering an understanding of the relationship between the wider issues and the feeding accessories that our members manufacture. Through these affiliations, WBT is also able to coordinate cross industry positions and support the development of food and health policies and international standards at ISO, CEN, EFSA and the European Commission.
In fact our members are actively involved in the development of ISO and CEN standards relevant to our industry.
Registered office: World Association of Manufacturers of Bottles and Teats, 122, avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92522 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex, France.